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  At present, the tianhe district age: 26

  Account: hunan nationality: China

  Marital status: married to nationality: han

  Integrity badges: did not apply for height: 165 cm

  Talent assessment: no evaluation weight: 46 kg

  My specialty:


  Talent types: ordinary job

  Position: hr specialist/assistant, a primary school teacher

  Working lives: 2 titles:

  Job type: full-time can date: at any time

  Salary: 2000-3500 work area of hope: tianhe district, zhuhai,

  Work experience

  Sichuan branch building decoration engineering co., LTD. * * * * start-stop years: in the 2010-08 to 2010-04

  Nature of the company: private sector by sector: construction and engineering

  Position: hr specialist

  Job description: during the period of this position, my main job content is:

  1, maintain and implement company's each rules and regulations, and assist with department manager to improve the system of part;

  2, is responsible for company's positions, assist department effective development and utilization of manpower, can meet the needs of company development;

  3, be responsible for personnel recruitment, understanding of human needs, extensive job to apply for master talent market information, release recruitment information through various channels, cooperate with each department personnel selection target.

  4, responsible for the company's establishment and management of personnel files, staff id file directory timely tracking documents timely.

  5, responsible for the company all staff personnel changes, such as promotion, transfer, termination and other related formalities.

  6, responsible for new employee orientation, organize the employees to participate in the relevant professional skill test and training.

  7, assist to complete the company's business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate and other related certificates annually, and make sure that the information changes.

  Eight, to sign for the all kinds of documents, sorting and file. As the company's internal management system, business process, meeting minutes, contact with foreign correspondence, attendance data, data reshuffle, rewards and punishments, labor contract, etc.

  9, to be responsible for the organization and contact the company activities, such as company annual meeting, tourism and other activities.

  10 and other affairs assigned by the company

  Leaving reason:

  Education background

  School: hunan normal university

  Highest degree: bachelor degree, graduation date: in 2010-06

  A special industry, Chinese language and literature specially industry 2:

  The starting time Termination of the years In the school (institution) for professional certificate certificate number

  Language ability

  Language: English is general level of the cantonese: general

  Other foreign language ability:

  Mandarin level: good

  Ability to work and other specialty

  I have been engaged in education management and personnel management work, the work is not the same, but himself in a positive mental outlook in the job with the help of their hard work and leadership colleagues, work ability and business level has larger ascension. One, the ability to execute. In office, with highly responsible spirit to carry out company's each rules and regulations, in under the guidance of responsibility, timely and efficient deployment and to carry out the job. Give full play to the subjective initiative, reasonable allocate jobs and the temporary work assigned by the leadership, clarify key points and difficulties in primary and secondary and work, so as to make specific arrangements and deployment. Take an active part in professional skills training, improve the professional knowledge, and constantly practice and exploration in the work, gradually mastered a set of working methods and process. In office under the instructions of the leadership of the company, improve the company's handbook, performance evaluation system, etc. Second, the ability of organization. During the work, I have been organized class parents, company annual meeting, staff vocational skills training, professional skill test, the company travel, the association between activities, such as sizes from the active preparation, the development and activity further things processing, etc in the practice of the corresponding ability to exercise and found a set of effective work process and method, was praised by the superior. Three, text language ability. Penning the all kinds of documents, to understand the company's various types of administrative document formats, such as meeting minutes, foreign internal contact letter, etc., have the corresponding administrative document writing skills. Fourth, communication and cooperation ability. I am in office, has repeatedly independently personnel recruitment, new employee orientation, create positions and docking with the various departments closely to complete the personnel performance appraisal; Assist the management, the finance department to complete the business license and tax registration certificate, organization code etc. Careful; Assist engineering department to complete the registration information update and assessment; Company business unit personnel reception and liaison work.

  Personal self assessment

  I during the period of school, served as the student union propaganda department director and supervisor, organize many activities in the school, was named 07-09 outstanding student, 08-09 outstanding cadres. And obtain certificate of English test band 4 and the high school language teacher's qualification certificate. And access to human resources management division level 3 certificate.

  I have been in the office during the period of work, job dedication, bears hardships and stands hard work, a strong sense of responsibility, work resolute, to plan as a whole the big picture, has the strong compression ability; Treat problems have higher judgment, and can be independent and efficient to complete the job. Good at summarizing experience found problems existing in the work in time.



  目前所在: 天河区 年  龄: 26

  户口所在: 湖南 国  籍: 中国

  婚姻状况: 已婚 民  族: 汉族

  诚信徽章: 未申请 身  高: 165 cm

  人才测评: 未测评 体  重: 46 kg



  人才类型: 普通求职

  应聘职位: 人事专员/助理, 小学教师

  工作年限: 2 职  称:

  求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时

  月薪要求: 2000--3500 希望工作地区: 天河区,海珠区,


  四川**建筑装饰工程有限公司**分公司   起止年月:2010-08 ~ -04

  公司性质: 民营企业  所属行业:建筑与工程

  担任职位: 人事专员

  工作描述: 在担任此职务期间,我的主要工作内容是:













  毕业院校: 湖南师范大学

  最高学历: 本科  获得学位: 毕业日期: 2010-06

  专 业 一: 汉语言文学 专 业 二:

  起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号


  外语: 英语 一般 粤语水平: 一般


  国语水平: 良好








  Gender: female

  Marital status: married to nationality: han

  Household registration: guangdong - dongguan age: 28

  Home now: - dongguan, guangdong height: 158 cm

  Hope regions: guangdong - dongguan

  Hope positions: financial/umpire (series) - accounting

  Financial/umpire (series) - teller

  Financial/review (series) - other related job

  Seeking position: accounting, cashier, agent

  Salary requirement: can be negotiable

  Fastest arrive: arrive at any time

  Education experience

  The 2003-09 to 2006-07 college dongguan institute of technology of pharmaceutical preparations

  The 2000-09 to 2003-07 Wan Jiang corporation is high middle school

  Trained experience

  2006-01 ~ 2006-06 dongguan institute of technology, accounting basis, accounting computerization accounting practitioner's qualification certificate

  0 month since 6 years work experience of work experience, worked in four companies

  * * * company name (-06 - present)

  Company nature: privately operated enterprise industry categories: trade, business, import and export

  Position: all accounting job categories: accounting

  Job description: 1. Responsible for two of the company's overall accounting treatment

  2. Print receivable statements monthly reconciliation with customers

  3. Check the accounts payables, payment plan, the cost of pay

  4. Check the warehouse enters sells saves the account

  5. Arrange taxation information transfer accounting firm to do zhang

  6. Will be a month of general accounting financial statements sent to Taiwan

  * * * company name (2007-03-2007-06)

  Other categories: company nature: privately operated enterprise industry production, manufacturing, and processing

  Position: the cashier, accounting job categories: accounting

  Job description: 1, the average taxpayer will do all accounts, mainly responsible for inside, outside the tent a full set of accounts;

  2, familiar with dongguan region national tax, land tax, industrial and commercial bureau, social security, Banks and other departments work flow;

  3, can check the account payable, receivable carefully plan payment receipts and payments;

  4, customs contract, customs declaration, enters sells saves the reconciliation statistics;

  5, accounting and paying employee wages;

  * * * company name (2006-04 ~ 2007-03)

  Nature of the company: the foreign capital enterprise industry categories: electronics, microelectronics, integrated circuits

  Position: job categories: accounting assistant

  Job description: 1, carefully check payable account receivable, warehouse reconciliation;

  2, the company's internal expenses;

  3, supplier payment for goods arrange payment;

  4, staff salary;

  5, prepare voucher entry system;

  * * * company name (2005-10-2006-03)

  Company nature: privately operated enterprise industry categories: wholesale and retail

  Position: the job categories: cashier

  Job description: 1, responsible for the company's cash, bills and bank deposits custody and record;

  2, responsible for the sales department, service department customer checkout work;

  3, for cash, bank deposit receipts and payment and settlement business;

  4, registration cash and bank deposit journal;

  5, assist accountant to do a good job of handling all kinds of accounts, etc.


  Professional title: accounting

  Computer level: primary

  Detailed computer skills: familiar with basic computer knowledge, skillfully use all kinds of office software, etc

  Expertise: engaged in financial for five years

  Language ability

  Fluent in mandarin, cantonese, fluent

  English: oral English

  English: general


  Direction: accounting, cashier, agent.

  Other requirements:

  Their own situation

  Self assessment: I honestly Ken, serious and responsible work, has the good professional ethics and communication and coordination ability, strong collective sense of honor.




  性  别: 女

  婚姻状况: 已婚 民  族: 汉族

  户  籍: 广东-东莞 年  龄: 28

  现所在地: 广东-东莞 身  高: 158cm

  希望地区: 广东-东莞

  希望岗位: 财务/审(统)计类-会计



  寻求职位: 会计、 出纳、 文员

  待遇要求: 可面议

  最快到岗: 随时到岗


  2003-09 ~ 2006-07 东莞理工学院 药物制剂 大专

  2000-09 ~ 2003-07 万江中学 普高 高中


  2006-01 ~ 2006-06 东莞理工学院 会计基础,会计电算化 会计从业资格证书


  ***公司名称 (-06 ~ 至今)

  公司性质: 民营企业 行业类别: 贸易、商务、进出口

  担任职位: 全盘会计 岗位类别: 会计

  工作描述: 1.负责两个公司的全盘账务处理






  ***公司名称 (2007-03 ~ -06)

  公司性质: 民营企业 行业类别: 其它生产、制造、加工

  担任职位: 出纳,会计 岗位类别: 会计

  工作描述: 1、会做一般纳税人全盘帐目,主要负责内,外帐全套帐务;





  ***公司名称 (2006-04 ~ 2007-03)

  公司性质: 外资企业 行业类别: 电子、微电子技术、集成电路

  担任职位: 岗位类别: 会计助理

  工作描述: 1、能仔细核对应收应付帐目,仓库对账;





  ***公司名称 (2005-10 ~ 2006-03)

  公司性质: 民营企业 行业类别: 批发零售

  担任职位: 岗位类别: 出纳员

  工作描述: 1、负责公司现金、票据及银行存款的保管和记录;






  专业职称: 会计

  计算机水平: 初级

  计算机详细技能: 熟悉计算机基础知识,熟练运用各种办公软件等

  技能专长: 从事财务5年


  普通话: 流利 粤语: 流利

  英语水平: 口语一般

  英语: 一般


  发展方向: 会计,出纳,文员。



  自我评价: 本人为人诚垦,工作认真负责,有良好的职业道德和沟通协调能力,集体荣誉感强。







  曾担任社会工作1、 良好学院社团部羽毛球协会副会长;

  2、 学院学生工作处学风督导组长;





  专业课程1、 商务英语函电、大学英语口语、高级商务英语口语、大学英语听力;

  2、 国际贸易实务、国际贸易地理、商务礼仪;

  3、 单证基础理论与知识、单证缮制与操作;

  4、 进出口跟单实务、进出口业务操作与管理;

  5、 国际市场营销、国际结算、国际商法、基础会计

  6、 外贸跟单商品知识、外贸跟单基础知识等



  英语水平1、 通过全国英语等级考试A级;


  计算机水平1、 通过全国计算机等级考试一级;

  2、 通过全国计算机NIT考试。






  Self-evaluation:I am one to have the rigid pursue person ideally, believed that is the gold can shine surely. Treats this work with the responsible manner, is good at communicating, having the strong organizing faculty and the team spirit coordinated, lively open and bright, progresses optimistically, has the compassion and is good at doing missionary work parallel; The desire to do better is strong, the attendance and sharpens own ability and the overall quality unceasingly in the study through the practice. The trust in future work, I by the abundant energy, the spirit which will study assiduously will work diligently, will sharpen own working ability stably, hoped that your firm can give me a sunlight, I can also give you a brightness!picture

  NameLouiseSexFemaleNationalityHan Nationality


  School recordTechnical collegepolitical outlook.......NativeFujian

  HealthGoodContact telephone.......

  As a social work1. Institute society regimental head quarter badminton association vice-chairman。

  2. The institute student work place school tradition directs group leader。

  3. Is the sports department clerk。SpecializedInternational commerce

  Interests and expertise1. Reading, hit basketball, traveling, mountaineering, lecture, challenge something new and so on;

  2. The reorganization housework, the coordinated ability, participate in public welfare activity and so on.

  Education backgroundIn September, 2008---in July, goes study in the Fujian International Business &Economic College

  professional courses1. Commercial English letters and telegrams,university spoken English, high-level commerce spoken English, university English hearing

  2. International trade practice, international trade geography, commercial etiquette

  3. Single card basic theory and knowledge, Shan Zhengshan system and operation

  4. Import and export freight bill practice, import and export business operation and management

  5. International market marketing, international settlement, international commercial law, foundation accountant

  6. Foreign trade freight bill commodity knowledge, foreign trade freight bill elementary knowledge and so on

  practice1. In 2008 winter vacation participates in a program under which officials activity in the native place

  2. 2009-2010 year summer vacation, the winter vacation goes to the granite stone material factory to practise period of time

  English1. Takes a test a level through the national English rank

  2. Had certain foreign language to listen to, saying that to read, writes ability

  Computer level1. Through national computer rank test first-level

  2. Through the national computer NIT test

  prize situation1. 2008---2009 school years attain the institute second-rate scholarship

  2. 2009---2010 school years attain the institute third-class scholarship

  3. 2009---2010 school years attain the country to pursue a goal with determination the scholarship
