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  1. Accumulate website 积累网站

  At present, the domestic job site is not much, so after finding the ideal site, it is better to receive it in the "favorites" so that it can be quickly checked next time.


  2. Organize information 整理信息

  Use online useful job information and websites to be picked up by notebook, Word or tablet for regular visits. Keep a record of the site and organization that filled out your resume. Some websites have a personal information record password, it is better to write the password on the book, lest forget.


  3. Keep in touch 保持联络

  A job search won't happen overnight. Also write or E-mail to thank you for your next contact.


  4. Set up a personal homepage 建立个人主页

  The best way to get a full picture of your situation is to set up a profile and list your relevant information on your profile.


  5, add 补充

  Choose to publish your time before searching, avoid repetitive browsing, and choose companies and positions that you hire for years.


  6. Always download 随时下载

  Some job pages have a lot of content, and there are a lot of positions and conditions, so it's a good idea to download the web page. You can build a folder called "job search" and download the selected web page to your "job search" folder directory on your hard drive.


  7. Pay attention to confidentiality 注意保密

  It is recommended that you can use English names when registering (do not use hanyu pinyin, which is not confidential). But education, work experience and so on must be true, otherwise you will have the possibility of being "blocked" within the website. Also note that you should tell the recruiter your real name when you receive the interview notice.


  8. Subscribe to email 订阅邮件

  Some sites also offer email messages, which can be updated quickly and easily by opening an email inbox at home. More and more job sites have opened up this business, and don't miss out if there is a subscription email on the site.


  9. Timely contact 及时联系

  Job openings are often temporary, if they are found to be in the right position, or they will miss the boat. Many employers have stated their E-mail addresses and phone calls, and should take appropriate contact information as soon as possible to send them to their resumes. Some units require job seekers to report their pay, not to mention it, to make a realistic mention of it


  10. Friendship website 友情网站

  "Other sites" on the job site, site "friendship", "links" column can have useful content, at least there will be many relevant action, apply for the site, especially talent in different areas of the website, it's worth a look.


  11. Choose and move 择时而动

  The peak of the Internet is generally between noon and 5pm, and the Internet is very slow, and there is an error in filling out the application form. Avoid this period of time, especially between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m., and the same device will allow you to enjoy "flying."


  12. Open Windows 多开窗口

  Opening a few more browser Windows also helps save time, or you can enter your personal information in one window and check the employment information in another window.


  13. Pay attention to the home page 留意首页

  Generally every website "latest news" is put on the front page, many job seekers are ignored this, in fact, in the "latest news" often contain the latest recruitment information and policy information. In addition, the internal structure and index of the website are also important, if the time allows the best not to miss.


  14.The secret of NEW NEW的诀窍

  On the website, a lot of headlines have "New", the latest update. First visit to the site for job seekers, the meaning of "New" is not big, but when you visit next time, as long as pay attention to by the "New" recently updated columns is ok, it can save a lot of time.


  15. Concern policy 关心政策

  Many government personnel website "regulations", after the preliminary determine the job area, should pay attention to local personnel policy, to the university graduates employment policies, registered permanent residence migration, such as the related content, have a general understanding.

